The ALCAR Group regards its global business activities as an obligation to pay particular attention to the basic rules of human coexistence. We derive our requirements for responsible corporate governance from our corporate values as well as from regulatory requirements, external initiatives and international guidelines to which we are committed. These requirements are an integral part of our sustainability strategy and our Group-wide guidelines.

The ALCAR Green Deal is our strategic framework for making a positive contribution to the environment. This Green Deal aims to assume ecological responsibility and make our business processes, products and services more environmentally friendly. It covers several key areas: Production, supply chain, products and social commitment.

In our actions, we are committed to the responsible use of resources, the environment and the interests of our employees, customers, neighbours, suppliers and society. Compliance with our binding obligations is a matter of course for us.

By integrating these principles into our daily business, we strive to create sustainable added value while addressing the social and environmental challenges of our time. We are convinced that a holistic approach to sustainability not only strengthens our company, but also has a positive impact on our stakeholders and society as a whole.

ecovadis bronze medal for ALCAR

Group-wide sustainability assessment

As part of its commitment to society, its employees and the environment, the ALCAR Group was evaluated for the first time by EcoVadis, the world's largest and most reliable provider of sustainability ratings.

The EcoVadis assessment comprises 21 sustainability criteria on four core topics: Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.

In the first group-wide assessment, completed in October 2024, ALCAR achieved a bronze medal, placing it in the top 35% of companies globally that have been assessed by EcoVadis in the last 12 months. In our sector “Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles”, ALCAR is in the top 17 % of companies assessed by EcoVadis.

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ALCAR Green deal

Our Commitment to a Sustainable Future

he ALCAR Group is dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment by implementing sustainable practices. The ALCAR Green Deal is our strategic framework aimed at taking ecological responsibility and making our business processes, products, and services more environmentally friendly. This Green Deal encompasses several key areas: production, supply chain, products, and social engagement.

Read more

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Environmentally Friendly Production

Our goal is to minimize negative impacts on people and the environment and to avoid waste. We achieve this through:

- sustainable investments,
- clean and energy-efficient processes,
- ongoing monitoring and
- continuous improvements.


CO2-Reduction and Energy Efficiency

We use state-of-the-art technologies to continuously reduce our CO2 emissions. Our production processes are designed for energy efficiency, and we utilize renewable energy whenever possible.

Success Stories: Renewable Energy for Alloy Wheel Production

1. Solar Energy
Since April 2024, ALCAR Leichtmetallräder Produktion GmbH, based in Neuenrade, Germany, has been using sustainable electricity from the photovoltaic system of its neighbor, Bültmann, for the production of its aluminum wheels for the AEZ, DOTZ, and DEZENT brands.

With over 1,100 PV modules and an installed capacity of 783 kWp, covering an area of 3,429 square meters, the company not only reduces its dependence on fossil fuels but also avoids over 300,000 kilograms of CO2 emissions annually. This input provides ALCAR with around 800,000 kWh of solar power each year. This is a significant step towards more responsible resource management and minimizing environmental impact.

This partnership underscores the commitment of both companies to sustainable development and demonstrates how innovative ideas and good neighborly relations can lead to real change. At ALCAR, we are dedicated to responsible actions and protecting our environment by prioritizing sustainability in all areas of our production and logistics.

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2. Conversion from Gas-Fired Riser Heating to Efficient Thermal Insulation
ALCAR Produktion has undertaken a comprehensive conversion of its heating systems, switching from a traditional gas-fired riser heating system to state-of-the-art thermal insulation. This measure offers several advantages:

Reduction of CO2 Emissions: By eliminating gas-based heating and implementing efficient thermal insulation technologies, CO2 emissions are significantly reduced. This plays a crucial role in achieving the company's climate goals.

Cost Efficiency: In the long term, these energy-efficient systems lead to substantial cost savings by optimizing energy consumption and minimizing the need for fossil fuels.

Improved Energy Efficiency: The new thermal insulation ensures even and sustainable heat distribution, resulting in higher energy efficiency and an improved indoor climate.

3. Sophisticated Peak Load Management
Additionally, ALCAR Produktion employs a sophisticated peak load management system to control energy consumption in a cost-efficient manner. This system allows for the reduction of energy load during peak times, thereby significantly lowering energy costs. Through careful planning and management of energy consumption, a balanced and sustainable use of resources is ensured.

4. Utilizing Innovative Heat Recovery Technologies
In certain production areas, ALCAR Produktion has already implemented innovative technologies that capture and convert heat generated during production into heating energy. This approach is particularly advantageous as it allows for the effective and sustainable use of the otherwise wasted "by-product" of heat. This not only contributes to energy savings but also promotes a more environmentally friendly operation.

5. Optimizing Operational Logistics with Electric Cargo Bikes
In addition to energy efficiency measures, ALCAR Produktion has also taken innovative steps in operational logistics. A central aspect of this strategy is the use of electric cargo bikes for logistics between maintenance and production.

Environmentally Friendly Logistics: Electric cargo bikes are emission-free, contributing to further reductions in CO2 emissions. This is a significant step towards greener and more sustainable operations.

Increased Efficiency: The use of electric cargo bikes allows for flexible and rapid delivery of materials and tools within the facility. This leads to better coordination between departments and reduces downtime.

Sustainable Mobility: Promoting electromobility within the operation not only supports emission reductions but also signifies a commitment to innovation and environmental awareness.

Success Stories: Renewable Energy in Steel Wheel Production

Success Stories: Renewable Energy in Steel Wheel ProductionAlthough Switzerland had the lowest CO2 emissions in Europe in 2023, with 53 grams per produced kWh of electricity—on par with France and the Scandinavian countries—ALCAR took the opportunity presented by the roof renewal of its production halls to install a photovoltaic system. This step underscores the company’s commitment to sustainability and environmental protection.

As part of this project, 3,500 PV modules with an impressive total capacity of 1,200 kWp were installed. This system was commissioned in the fall of 2020 and has since significantly contributed to the energy supply of the production facility. Thanks to this photovoltaic system, approximately 20% of the annual electricity demand for steel wheel production in Switzerland is covered by renewable, CO2-free sources. This not only represents a significant reduction in CO2 emissions by around 50 tons per year but also marks an important step towards more environmentally friendly production.

With this project, ALCAR demonstrates that economic efficiency and ecological responsibility can go hand in hand. By harnessing solar energy, the company helps to conserve natural resources and reduce environmental impact without compromising production quality and efficiency. This initiative serves as a model for other companies in the industry, showing that sustainable practices are not only feasible but also economically beneficial.

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Energy Management in Our Office and Warehouse Locations:
At our office and warehouse sites, we are transitioning our lighting to modern LED technology. This shift not only significantly reduces energy consumption but also extends the lifespan of our lighting systems, thereby lowering maintenance costs.

We are also increasingly adopting sustainable drive technologies. Most of our pallet trucks and forklifts have been converted to environmentally friendly battery-powered drives. This measure helps to reduce CO2 emissions and supports our efforts to create a greener and more efficient working environment.

Materials and Recycling

ALCAR places great importance on the development and manufacture of eco-friendly products, with a focus on their use and subsequent recycling. We ensure that the wheels we produce can be recycled at the end of their life cycle to reduce environmental impact.

Efficient Aluminum Recycling
To optimize our resource use, we operate an efficient aluminum recycling process. Unlike many other raw materials, aluminum can be recycled without losing quality. This represents a significant advantage, as recycling aluminum requires only about one-tenth of the energy needed for its initial production.

During manufacturing, aluminum shavings are melted down and reintroduced into the production cycle. This process allows us to minimize material waste and maximize resource efficiency. Similarly, aluminum wheels that do not meet our high quality standards are melted down and recycled.

Through these measures, we make a significant contribution to reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in our production. Our commitment to sustainable resource management demonstrates that economic efficiency and ecological responsibility can go hand in hand. This is a fundamental part of our corporate philosophy and our ongoing pursuit of improvement and innovation in aluminum processing.
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Sustainability in Steel Wheel Production
In the production of steel wheels, more than 20% of the input material is generated as steel scrap due to the production process. This high-quality raw material is then used as input for steel foundries. By reusing this material, we not only close the material loop but also achieve significant ecological benefits.

Using steel scrap as input material in foundries reduces the need for new steel and, consequently, the energy required for its production. This recycling measure helps to decrease CO2 emissions by approximately 3,000 tons annually.

Our sustainable production strategy demonstrates that environmental awareness and industrial efficiency are not mutually exclusive. By promoting the recycling of steel scrap, we actively contribute to environmental protection while making optimal use of valuable resources. This underscores our commitment to sustainable practices and our responsibility toward future generations.

Resource Efficiency

We continuously optimize our material usage and increasingly rely on sustainable materials such as electric steel and low carbon footprint aluminum. These measures are part of our comprehensive strategy to conserve resources and minimize waste.

Electric Steel: Electric steel is characterized by its energy efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions during production. By using electric steel, we can further lower the ecological footprint of our products. Electric steel is produced in modern electric arc furnaces that use recycled steel scrap, thereby closing the material loop.
Low Carbon Footprint Alloy: This is another key element of our sustainability strategy. This aluminum is produced with significantly less energy and results in lower CO2 emissions compared to conventional aluminum. By increasing the use of this material, we make a substantial contribution to reducing our environmental impact.

Our ongoing efforts to optimize material consumption and integrate sustainable materials demonstrate our commitment to ecological responsibility and sustainable production. These approaches not only help us protect the environment but also enhance the efficiency and quality of our products. In doing so, we make a significant contribution to conserving natural resources and promoting a more sustainable industry.

Sustainable Sourcing

Our supply chain is designed to be transparent and responsible. We work exclusively with suppliers who adhere to high environmental and social standards. This ensures that our sustainability standards are upheld throughout the entire supply chain.

Collaboration with Responsible Suppliers:
Our partnerships are based on working with suppliers who meet strict environmental and social standards. This means we only cooperate with companies committed to sustainable practices and ethical behavior. Through careful selection and regular assessment of our suppliers, we ensure that our products are manufactured under fair and environmentally friendly conditions.

Transparency and Accountability in the Supply Chain:
Transparency and accountability are central components of our supply chain strategy. We aim to provide clarity at every stage of our supply chain and take responsibility for it. This includes tracking the provenance of our materials and monitoring compliance with sustainability standards among our suppliers. Through this approach, we ensure that all participants in our value chain share and implement our high standards for environmental and social responsibility.

Our commitment to a transparent and responsible supply chain is a fundamental part of our corporate philosophy. It reflects our effort not only to achieve our own sustainability goals but also to exert a positive influence across our entire value chain. Through these measures, we actively contribute to promoting sustainability and social responsibility in the global economy.

Sustainable Logistics and Eco-Friendly Distribution Networks

Our logistics are designed to minimize environmental impact by utilizing efficient distribution networks and reducing transportation emissions.

By using optimised routes and modern logistics solutions, we ensure that our transport processes are as environmentally friendly as possible. Our extensive presence in 16 European countries enables efficient local distribution of our products. By storing our products centrally and then distributing them locally, we can optimise transport routes and use customised logistics solutions. This makes a significant contribution to reducing transport-related emissions, as we can choose the most efficient transport options for local conditions.

These strategies not only reduce our environmental impact but also enhance the efficiency of our supply chains. Our efforts to minimize transportation emissions highlight our commitment to sustainability and demonstrate that eco-conscious logistics solutions can make a significant contribution to sustainable corporate management.

Our initiatives to optimize both material consumption and transport routes align with our vision for a greener and more sustainable future. By implementing these approaches throughout our value chain, we clearly demonstrate our commitment to environmental protection and resource conservation.

sustainability in the supply chain
Statement on Compliance with Human Rights Due Diligence
Commitment to Respecting Human Rights
ALCAR is committed to respecting human rights and promoting their implementation. We see it as our responsibility to respect the rights of others in our economic activities and to prevent, mitigate, and address any negative impacts on human rights within our operations as much as possible.

Human Rights Responsibility and Prevention
We take responsibility for upholding human rights in all our business practices. This means actively taking measures to ensure that our activities have no negative impact on human rights. If we do encounter such impacts, we are committed to addressing them as quickly as possible and taking steps to prevent future occurrences.

Regular Review and Adjustment
To respond to changes in the regulatory landscape and maintain our high standards, we regularly review our internal policies, standards, and procedures. This ongoing review ensures that we remain up-to-date with legal requirements and best practices. By doing so, we ensure that our measures for protecting human rights remain effective and relevant.

Company-Wide Policy Statement
This policy statement has been approved by the management of ALCAR and applies to all affiliated companies within the ALCAR Group, as well as to all executives, senior management members, and other employees across the entire ALCAR Group. It forms the foundation of our commitment to respecting human rights and is a central component of our corporate philosophy.
By implementing these principles, we contribute to promoting fair and just business practices that respect the dignity and rights of all individuals. Our commitment to human rights is an integral part of our long-term vision and our continuous pursuit of social responsibility and sustainable development.

ALCAR Principles

Code of conduct
Code of Conduct for Our Business Partners
At ALCAR, responsible action and ethical business practices are at the core of our corporate operations. Our policy statement forms the foundation of our success and guides our behavior in all business areas. A crucial element of this commitment is our Code of Conduct for our business partners. This Code sets out clear expectations and standards that we require from our suppliers and business partners. It encompasses ethical behavior, social responsibility, environmental protection, and compliance with legal regulations.By adhering to this Code of Conduct, our suppliers significantly contribute to building and maintaining the trust of our customers and stakeholders. Together, we create a transparent and responsible supply chain that meets the high standards of the ALCAR Group.

Code of Conduct Business Partners
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Code of Conduct for Our Employees
Increasing globalization, rising competition, and global societal and climate challenges make it more crucial than ever for an international company to operate according to consistent standards. For the ALCAR Group, it is a fundamental principle to act correctly, responsibly, and exemplarily. Therefore, in addition to our corporate values, we have established a Code of Conduct, which provides binding principles and rules that apply to all employees of ALCAR. The ALCAR Group Code of Conduct reflects our corporate values and serves as the foundation of our actions. It is a guide for all our employees, business partners, and stakeholders, ensuring that our behavior aligns with the high standards we set for ethical and responsible conduct.

Code of Conduct Employees

ALCAR Whistleblowing hintbox

The ALCAR Group has established an electronic whistleblower system to provide a secure and confidential means for employees and external parties to report potential misconduct or violations of company policies. The key features and principles of the whistleblower system are as follows:

  • External Hosting: The whistleblower system is hosted externally and is not connected to the company network.
  • Anonymity: No IP addresses or device IDs are logged to ensure the anonymity of whistleblowers.
  • Anonymized Reporting: Reports are made anonymously by default, protecting the identity of the whistleblower.
  • Encrypted Communication: Reports are encrypted during transmission and storage to ensure the security of the information shared.
  • Confidentiality: Strict confidentiality is maintained, even if the whistleblower voluntarily reveals their identity.
  • Objective Handling: All reports are handled objectively and with due diligence in compliance with applicable data protection laws.
  • Presumption of Innocence: The presumption of innocence applies to reports of misconduct until an investigation or review is completed.
  • No False Accusations: The system must not be used for false accusations, and knowingly providing false information is prohibited.

The ALCAR Group's whistleblower system is a vital tool for promoting integrity, ethics, and accountability within the company. It provides a protected framework for reporting potential issues without fear of retaliation. Through these measures, the ALCAR Group contributes to fostering a transparent and responsible corporate culture where every employee can feel secure in upholding ethical standards and reporting violations.

Learn more about the Whistleblower System

Contact Us: If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to our sustainability team at We look forward to hearing from you.